Friday, August 29, 2008

Quick Update


I'm back from Malacca.

I have pictures! Will upload those soon.

The weather was mad on the days while I was there. One day I was drenched from the rain. The next day I was drenched in sweat. I look like a lobster.


Sekrit project is going GREAT! :) *winks*

Short Story: Moving up to the climax....I FINALLY figured out how to end it without any cliches! (Muchos gracias me brothers!) Can't elaborate on that. I'm 3000 words behind and I only have...10 days to complete everything and ship the story out...ARgh!

Received mail from beloved mentor this morning. Totally made my day. Plans to see her next year...still ON! Ideas for POA are pouring in! I really can't wait to get back to that.

Tasted the best teh tarik ever today ~ Istana Hotel.Bye!

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